High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024

Raising the Minds of Tomorrow at Code Ninjas

Raising the Minds of Tomorrow at Code Ninjas

Streaming Media


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Dr. Haley Winston

Faculty/Instructor Email


Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

Our goal from the first ideas of this project was to use our ability to volunteer to help guide the next generation of students towards a positive and constructive relationship with technology, which is why we chose to volunteer with Code Ninjas. As volunteer Code Senseis, we took on the task of helping out students of ages ranging from 5 to 14 years old in their endeavors to learn computer science skills at Code Ninjas Lake Mary. This included one-on-one instruction, traditional classroom-style teaching, and station-style open house events. The key thing that we all took away from this project was that as adult college students, we hold the power and responsibility to set an example for the younger generation to look up to when it comes to technology usage. Because of this, we should continue do what we can to educate and mentor those in our community that may need it.


technology; computer science; service learning; coding; education;

Raising the Minds of Tomorrow at Code Ninjas
