This collection contains Honors in the Major theses completed in History.
Honors Undergraduate Theses from 2024
The Forced Removal Of Iraqi Jews: Ethnic Cleansing And Its Impact On Global Perceptions Of Zionism And The State Of Israel, Gal Shem-Tov
Theses from 2023
Preserving our Past (PoP): Comparing Methods of Digitally Replicating Historical Artifacts, Abbie Easter
Ideological Relationships with the Cult of Isis from Ptolemaic Alexandria to Imperial Rome, Sabrina N. Gutierrez
Spilling the Tea: A Comparative Analysis of Development in Ex-British Colonies, Niamh L. Harrop
Theses from 2022
Women in Post-war Japan: Bodies of the Avant Garde, Cassidy P. Boulanger
Revealing the Black Form: Black Bodies in Nineteenth-Century French Orientalist Visual Art, Nathanael Amir Justin Lapierre
Theses from 2021
Catherine the Great and Her Empire in British and American Newspapers, Arlen B. Cordero
Northerners' Perspectives on American Emancipation and the End of Russian Serfdom, Mariana S. Kellis
The Fall of Sir Thomas Wolsey: The Contingent Circumstances and Events That Led to His Demise, Jeremy M. Rodriguez
Theses from 2020
Doctors and "Dopefiends": Perspectives on the U.S Opiate Crisis, 21st Century, John C. Foerster
Pestilence and Poverty: The Great Influenza Pandemic and Underdevelopment in the New South, 1918-1919, Andrew Kishuni
Social Stigma, Public Health, and Addiction in Albania, Ediola Malkouari
Empress Theophanu: The Politics of Power at the Intersection of Byzantium and the Ottonian Empire, Harper J. Norris
La Mano e il Braccio: Comparing Italian Immigrant Communities in Louisiana and Florida, 1880-1914, Keith Richards
The Eyes and Ears of the Nation: America's First Spy Ring, Eric Topolewski
Theses from 2019
Displays of Medici Wealth and Authority: The Acts of the Apostles and Valois Fêtes Tapestry Cycles, Madison L. Clyburn
Women's Work: Materializing Feminist Thought in Lucy Lippard's c.7,500 Exhibition, Francesca Felicella
Farm Women as Producers & Consumers in the 20th Century U.S. South, Joseph J. Kaminski
"Worse Than Guards:" Ordinary Criminals and Political Prisoners in the GULAG (1918-1950), Elizabeth T. Klements
The OSI and the Nazis: America's Struggle to Expel Nazi War Criminals and Their Allies Decades After the Second World War, Evan S. Murray
Explaining the 1096 Massacres in the Context of the First Crusade, Sam Pynes
Theses from 2018
Apoikia in the Black Sea: The History of Heraclea Pontica, Sinope, and Tios in the Archaic and Classical Periods, Austin M. Wojkiewicz
Theses from 2017
Metamorphosis of Love: Eros as Agent in Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary France, Jennifer N. Laffick
The Evolving Emancipator: An Analysis of Abraham Lincoln and the Progression and Development of His Emancipationist Impulse, Sharon N. Rodriguez
The Rhetoric of Transgression: Reconstructing Female Authority through Wu Zetian's Legacy, Rachael Rothstein-Safra
Theses from 2016
To Be Magic: The Art Of Ana Mendieta Through an Ecofeminist Lens, Elizabeth Ann Baker
Destabilizing Identity: The Works of Dorothy Cross, Aileen Dowling
The Social Impact of the Hundred Years War on the Societies of England and France, Kody E. Whittington
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Diplomat's Portrait: The United States Department of State's View on French Imperial Policy Regarding Syrian Religious Minorities of 1918-1922, Dominic Charles
The Roman Conquest of Britain, Jason Delaney
Colloquia Education: An Examination of Roman Second Language Education for Social Implications, Jennifer Newton
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
An Examination of the Instability and Exploitation in Congo From King Leopold II's Free State to the 2nd Congo War, Baldwin Beal
An Empire on the Brink of Destruction: The Stability of the Seleucid Empire Under Antiochus IV (175 B.C. - 164 B.C.), Tyler Campbell
Animal-Like and Depraved: Racist Stereotypes, Commercial Sex, and Black Women's Identity in New Orleans, 1825-1917, Porsha Dossie
The Hellenic Axel: The Greek Hellenization of Central Asia and its Impact of the Development of Buddhism, Ledio Hysi
King Leopold II's Exploitation of the Congo From 1885 to 1908 and Its Consequences, Steven Johnson
Migrant Labor, Development, and HIV in Botswana, William Kearns
Queen Isabella and the Spanish Inquisition: 1478-1505, Lori Nykanen
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Female Collaborators and Resisters in Vichy France: Individual Memory, Collective Image, Katherine Thurlow
From Pre-Islam to Mandate States: Examining Cultural Imperialism and Cultural Bleed in the Levant, Gabriel Willman