An analysis of Rappaccini's daughter


Can the transposition of "Rappaccini's Daughter" from the story medium to the film medium result in changes to the storyline? I prove this thesis statement to be true by analyzing our film Rappaccini's Daughter in literary terms. Through comparing and contrasting the ideas and choices made in both storylines, the two mediums will differ, while still holding to the theme of the evil doctor obsessed by his scientific agenda. The research I have chosen to support my thesis is based on adaptation between the two mediums, the story and film. Adaptations are of great import and have had a permanent effect on the film industry. The history and theories of adapting literary works for the screen are used to show why Hawthorne's version of "Rappaccini's Daughter" lends itself to being adapted. The ideas that occur in his short story are compared and contrasted to those that appear in our film. Additional support is provided using the compare/contrast method to show the similarities and different choices in our film in relation to ideas that occur in stories that make up the fairytale genre. The differing viewpoints from two separate directors with specific visions of "Rappaccini's Daughter," is established. Other information from Walt Disney fairytales and the works of Brother's Grimm are introduced. These two methods of writing are compared and contrasted and related to Christi's vision and my own. The thesis is concluded when proving that Rappaccini's Daughter can be transposed from the story medium into the film medium resulting in changes to the storyline. This idea is supported-by screening an edited version of our film, Rappaccini's Daughter. This will prove the importance of adaptation in the film industry.


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Thesis Completion





Wyly, Sharon


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


College of Arts and Sciences

Degree Program



Arts and Sciences -- Dissertations, Academic;Dissertations, Academic -- Arts and Sciences;Feature films







Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus-only Access


Document Type

Honors in the Major Thesis

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