Development of an experimental setup for the study of film pulsation effects on film cooling effectiveness


One of the main goals of recent turbine film cooling research has been to improve the overall efficiency of the turbine by slightly increasing film cooling efficiency. This has a twofold effect. Firstly by increasing the effectiveness of the cooling being done. it is possible to increase the inlet temperature of the combusted air coming into the turbine which in tum increases turbine performance. Secondly by increasing the cooling efficiency less air is required. for cooling. This means that less air will be redirected from the compressor for cooling purposes, allowing more air to reach the combustor to be burned and used for power or thrust generation. Even though much bulk flow pulsation research has been conducted in the past, little research has studied the effect of film coolant pulsation on cooling effectiveness. Previous studies that have been conducted on the effect of film pulsation have provided conflicting results, therefore more research is required. This project provides experimental data and analysis which study, and show the effects that low frequency pulsations (5.55 and 11.11 Hz) at two different blowing rations (.5 and .75) have on film cooling effectiveness. In addition a Kulite dynamic pressure probe was placed at the entrance to the coolant holes in order to provide the actual blowing ratio felt by the holes. The study concluded that film pulsation increases film cooling effectiveness mainly through. a reduction in the amount of coolant gas needed to provide adequate film cooling. In addition to providing some initial data, the study also lays the groundwork for additional research to delve further into film pulsation and answer unanswered questions, which will be conducted at a later time.


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Thesis Completion





Kapat, Jayanta


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


College of Engineering and Computer Science

Degree Program

Aerospace Engineering


Dissertations, Academic -- Engineering and Computer Science;Engineering and Computer Science -- Dissertations, Academic







Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus-only Access


Document Type

Honors in the Major Thesis

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