United States-middle-east relations : the role of economics in foreign policy


This paper has examined the role of recessions in determining the factors behind decisions regarding foreign aid and relations with several Middle-Eastern nations. By looking at a period of growth and a period of recession in regards to relations with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel, it sought to see if the importance placed on certain issues changed significantly when the U.S. was struggling economically. It was seen that during a recession, the U.S. does not necessarily spend less on aiding a country, but that the reasons behind providing or not providing military and financial aid are rooted in economic necessity with only a small amount of consideration being placed on the views of how the other government chooses to operate. When the U.S. economy was experiencing growth, more emphasis was placed on issues dealing with the other nation's foreign policy. Economic consideration never vanished but looking at ideological perspectives and government policy took on more importance. This did not necessarily mean that Washington had closer relations or gave more aid, but rather it had a wider degree of freedom as to how it could choose to allocate aid to maintain or diminish relationships. Keywords: economy, United States, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, foreign policy


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Thesis Completion



Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


College of Sciences

Degree Program

Political Science


Dissertations, Academic -- Sciences;Sciences -- Dissertations, Academic







Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus-only Access


Document Type

Honors in the Major Thesis

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