Faith as an interpretation of an ultimate concern which engenders an authentic trust within the faithful : clarifying the concept of faith through the works of Paul Tillich, John Hick and Robert Solomon


The word "faith" is probably one of the most ambiguous words in the English language. It is used in different ways by different people at any given time to mean any number of feelings, actions or emotions. For some, faith is synonymous with religion, for others it represents belief and yet others use it to mean loyalty. Faith must have a meaning that is distinctly its own. Yet what is that meaning? Is there a way of defining faith that is understandable to all people? This paper strives to provide such a definition. In order to achieve this goal, the conceptions of faith as they are explained separately by Paul Tillich, John Hick and Robert Solomon are analyzed and combined with one another in order to formulate a universally applicable working definition of "faith". This paper seeks to provide readers with an understanding of what faith is, what it is not and how it functions in their lives and the lives of their fellow man. This is done in the hope of bringing about a recognition that faith is an active process employed by -all--people regardless of what their faith is directed toward. With this definition of "faith'', perhaps new and clearer lines of communication between the secular and spiritual communities can be opened.


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Thesis Completion



Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


College of Arts and Humanities

Degree Program



Arts and Humanities -- Dissertations, Academic;Dissertations, Academic -- Arts and Humanities







Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus-only Access


Document Type

Honors in the Major Thesis

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