A novel approach for extending delay time in surface acoustic wave devices


Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices have been under research for over half a century due to their excellent performance characteristics in the fields of signal processing and communications. In particular, it has been show that SAW devices can operate as sensors that are both wireless and passive. For a sensor that is wireless, it is important to develop a coding scheme that allows for the identification of an individual sensor in a multiple sensor environment. For SAW sensors, orthogonal frequency coding (OFC) has been demonstrated as a method to provide a large number of unique identification codes. This system relies on an array of frequency selective reflectors (chips) in the SAW propagation path. The reflectors are ordered such that no two SAW sensors contain an array of reflection gratings in the same frequency order. One way to increase the number of usable codes in an OFC sensor is to increase the number of OFC chips on the sensor. With this technique it is necessary to increase the delay between the transducer and the OFC chips while keeping the length of the device small. Multiple surface wave propagation tracks can be utilized to slightly increase the width of the die instead of the length. This research aims to investigate methods to extend delay time in a coded SAW device by utilizing two propagation tracks. It will be shown that the reflective multistrip coupler (RMSC) can accomplish this goal with low loss. The design, fabrication, and characterization of the RMSC will be given with applications shown in an OFC SAW device.


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Thesis Completion



Malocha, Donald


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


College of Engineering and Computer Science

Degree Program



Dissertations, Academic -- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science;Electrical Engineering and Computer Science -- Dissertations, Academic







Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus-only Access


Document Type

Honors in the Major Thesis

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