
depression; nursing intervention; oncology nursing; feasibility; efficacy


Background: A diagnosis of cancer causes physical and psychological implications that continue throughout the cancer treatment trajectory. Psychological distress, including depression, is one of the most common negative effects experienced by adults with cancer and often remains untreated despite positive screening. Psychosocial interventions are an appropriate method to address depression and can be implemented in the acute care setting, outpatient clinics, or patients’ homes by a registered nurse.

Methods: A comprehensive search of CINAHL, MEDLINE, and APA PsycINFO was conducted, and articles were screened for appropriateness. A total of eight randomized controlled trials that met inclusion criteria and contained a rigorous methodological design were analyzed.

Results: Implementation of nurse-led psychosocial interventions in adults with cancer indicated a positive correlation in the mitigation of depressive symptoms; however, feasibility (defined as an adherence rate of greater than 80% in the intervention group) remains inconclusive. While four of the articles analyzed showed promise of the feasibility of a nurse-led psychosocial intervention, the remaining articles did not include enough detail about adherence to analyze.

Conclusions: To transition nurse-led psychosocial interventions into clinical practice, more primary research documenting strict adherence and withdrawal rates must be conducted to determine feasibility. Additional analysis should seek to examine definitive training required by registered nurses prior to implementation to account for resource barriers that may impact success of this type of intervention in the clinical setting.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Decker, Veronica


College of Nursing

Thesis Discipline




Access Status

Campus Access

Length of Campus Access

5 years



Rights Statement

In Copyright