
women refugees, sexual violence, domestic violence, laws, displaced women, women asylum seekers


Women refugees suffer from high levels of abuse, discrimination, and sexual and gender-based violence. This paper aims to determine what factors account for different levels of state commitment to protections for women refugees. Existing literature suggests a connection between states’ concern for gender equality and ethical treatment of women, and their commitment towards the protection of women refugees. A content analysis of the Beijing Declaration 25+ national reports, along with the World Health Organization, United Nations, and other similar reports, seeks to further explore this connection. In doing so, this study examines three categories: states’ stated intentions or concerns, state norms (laws), and incidence (statistics) of ill-treatment or discrimination of women. The analysis focuses particularly on national policies revolving around sexual and gender-based violence, laxity of laws or law enforcement when it comes to gender-based violence or rape, women being trafficked, domestic violence, and cultural attitudes towards rape, among other defining factors. A series of case studies of countries that are top recipients of refugees, and their neighbors, round up the analysis portion of the paper. Findings indicate a telling connection between protections of women refugees and states’ general commitment to broader protections for women.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Turcu, Anca


College of Sciences


School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs

Thesis Discipline

International and Global Studies



Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus Access


Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus
