
Artificial Intelligence, Privacy law, Criminal Justice System


This thesis focuses on artificial intelligence's recent implications on the criminal justice system regarding its admissibility as evidence in civil and criminal cases. One of the main concerns surrounding artificial intelligence is determining the validity of AI application; application refers to the accuracy "AI measures, classifies, or predicts what it is designed to" (Article: Artificial Intelligence as Evidence by Paul W. Grimm, Maura R. Grossman & Gordon V.Cormack.( Privacy law will also be analyzed in this analysis. Is evidence recorded without the individual's consent or knowledge acceptable in determining an individual's guilt? This analysis will primarily focus on determining whether the introduced AI evidence is valid and if it can and should play a role in a civil or criminal case. Like any other system, the criminal justice system has many imperfections. The goal of this research is to neither negate nor enforce what that criminal justice system is currently doing but rather to provide evidence for growth within the system. Through the research process, many wrongful convictions due to mishaps with AI have presented themselves. Whether AI continues to grow in the criminal justice system or not is inevitable. AI as evidence will continue to grow in the system and become more than evidence one day. The Florida Bar has passed a rule allowing the integration of AI into the legal system. The rule prohibits misleading information and ensures the client must be aware that they are not communicating with an attorney but rather an AI program. As AI continues to integrate into the legal system, court officials must do it harm-free, which is the goal of this research.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Milon, Abby


College of Community Innovation and Education


Department of Legal Studies

Thesis Discipline




Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus Access


Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus



Rights Statement

In Copyright