
Native Plants; Urban Landscapes; Pollinators; Nectar Production in Native Plants; Compost; Irrigation


Urban landscapes can support pollinator conservation, but traditional landscape designs lack the diverse mixtures of native plants needed to support native pollinators. Although native plants support pollinators and can survive with less water and fertilizer than non-native landscape plants, they do not always grow well under modified urban soil conditions and irrigation regimes. A better understanding of the factors influencing flower production and the quality of native plants is needed if we are to design landscapes that support pollinator conservation. This study focused on how flower production and quality in different native plants responded to compost and irrigation treatments. The experiment consisted of 27 native plant species grown in sixteen 6.1 x 9.1 m plots with or without compost and with regular or as-needed irrigation in a randomized complete block design. We quantified total flower production and examined nectar production and flower size in select plant species. Results showed that compost addition greatly increased flower production and that the floral traits of individual plant species varied in their response to compost additions and different irrigation regimes. Unraveling the complexities of these interactions is important for designing urban landscapes that support pollinator conservation.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Bohlen, Patrick


College of Sciences



Thesis Discipline

Biology - Plant Sciences



Access Status

Open Access

Length of Campus Access


Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus



Rights Statement

In Copyright