"Conflict Handling of Health Professionals" by Lou J. Ebrite Ph.D.


Conflict may be inevitable between teachers and students in practical nursing and allied health programs. Conflict is also a reality in health agencies. The purpose of this study was to determine the conflict-handling mode of vocational health occupations teachers, health agency staff development personnel, and nursing supervisors. The sample was 87 practical nursing instructors, allied health instructors, nursing supervisors, and staff development personnel who attended inservice activities in Nebraska and Oklahoma. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument which contains 30 pairs of statements for a forced-choice, self-assessment rating of conflict handling was used. The predominant conflict-handling modes of this sample were avoiding and compromising. Subjects scored lowest on the competing mode. Preference for the avoiding mode is considered unassertive, therefore the conclusion was drawn that assertiveness training could help health occupations personnel to deal with student or personnel conflicts more to their satisfaction.



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