Volume 1, Issue 1 (2018)
Soft skills with teeth: Creating authentic learning environments with charismatic mega-projects
J .E. Johnson and Karen Maness
Roller Coaster Dynamics at Purdue University
Jeffrey F. Rhoads and Charles M. Krousgrill
Leveraging neo-localism for experience innovation: A case study of an urban park and entertainment venue
Lori J. Sipe
Disability and participation in amusement attractions
Kathryn Woodcock
Physical and digital architecture for collection and analysis of imparted accelerations on Zip Line attractions
Kai David Quizona, Shelly Sicat, Nicholas Holman, Madison Glozer, Alan Black, Alex Ferworn, and Kathryn Woodcock
Evaluating perspectives of virtual and mixed reality for the performing arts in the U.S. and Canada
Collin Huse
Disney: Castles, kingdoms and (no) common man
Anahita Dalmia