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Episode 10: Lift Every Voice and Sing: An African Diasporan Interpretation
Holly Baker
The Department of History’s Holly Baker recently talked with Dorothy Davis about her presentation at the James Weldon Johnson Lecture Series titled, “Lift Every Voice and Sing”: An African Diasporan Interpretation. In her presentation, Dorothy Davis provided an interpretation of the lyrics to "Lift Every Voice and Sing" by discussing the life of her father, Griff Davis: a pioneering African-American photographer, journalist and diplomat.
Holly Baker
Holly Baker
Dorothy Davis
Date Created
University of Central Florida, James Weldon Johnson Lecture Series, James Weldon Johnson, Dorothy Davis, Griff Davis, African American Photographer, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Nigeria, South South Cooperation, Foreign Service Officer, Liberia, Tunisia, African Diasporan Interpretation, Photography, Diplomat, Diplomacy, Langston Hughes, Atlanta, Civil Rights, Morehouse College, Spelman College, World War II, Buffalo Soldier, 92nd Infantry Division, US Army, Genoa, Italy, Segregation, aerial photography, Genoa Harbor, Ebony Magazine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Alexander Romeo Horton, A. Romeo Horton, Central Bank of Liberia, African Development Bank, Monrovia, John H. Johnson, World’s Fair, Journalism, Jim Crow, Etta Moten Barnett, Porgy and Bess, Claude Albert Barnett, Associated Negro Press, coffee klatches, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Harlem, Black Star Publishing Company, Black Star Agency, Kurt Safranski, Photo Journalism, Henry Luce, Time Magazine, Life Magazine, William Tubman, U.S. Embassy, Edward Dudley, Ambassador, Clifton R. Wharton, Sr., State Department, Pepper Bird Land, Sidney Poitier, Doubleday Publishing, Global Honeymoon, Harry S. Truman, Point Four Program, John W. Davis, Ghana, Gold Coast, Kwame Nkrumah, Accra, Lincoln University, kente cloth, highlife dance, Independence movement, Richard Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Little Rock, Arkansas, President Habib Bourguiba, Sidwell Friends School, Algeria, New Jersey, Integration, Barack Obama, Sasha Obama, Malia Obama, Fon Gordon
University of Central Florida, James Weldon Johnson Lecture Series, James Weldon Johnson, Dorothy Davis, Griff Davis, African American Photographer, Lift Every Voice and Sing, Nigeria, South South Cooperation, Foreign Service Officer, Liberia, Tunisia, African Diasporan Interpretation, Photography, Diplomat, Diplomacy, Langston Hughes, Atlanta, Civil Rights, Morehouse College, Spelman College, World War II, Buffalo Soldier, 92nd Infantry Division, US Army, Genoa, Italy, Segregation, aerial photography, Genoa Harbor, Ebony Magazine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Alexander Romeo Horton, A. Romeo Horton, Central Bank of Liberia, African Development Bank, Monrovia, John H. Johnson, World’s Fair, Journalism, Jim Crow, Etta Moten Barnett, Porgy and Bess, Claude Albert Barnett, Associated Negro Press, coffee klatches, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, Harlem, Black Star Publishing Company, Black Star Agency, Kurt Safranski, Photo Journalism, Henry Luce, Time Magazine, Life Magazine, William Tubman, U.S. Embassy, Edward Dudley, Ambassador, Clifton R. Wharton, Sr., State Department, Pepper Bird Land, Sidney Poitier, Doubleday Publishing, Global Honeymoon, Harry S. Truman, Point Four Program, John W. Davis, Ghana, Gold Coast, Kwame Nkrumah, Accra, Lincoln University, kente cloth, highlife dance, Independence movement, Richard Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Little Rock, Arkansas, President Habib Bourguiba, Sidwell Friends School, Algeria, New Jersey, Integration, Barack Obama, Sasha Obama, Malia Obama, Fon Gordon
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“Episode 10: Lift Every Voice and Sing: An African Diasporan Interpretation,” Knights Historycast Podcast, 2018, [https://stars.library.ucf.edu/knightshistorycast/10]