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Episode 11: Reconsidering the Reconstruction Era
Holly Baker
The Department of History’s Holly Baker recently talked with Dr. K. Stephen Prince, Associate Professor of History at the University of South Florida and author of the book Stories of the South: Race and the Reconstruction of Southern Identity, 1865-1915. Dr. Prince was one of the presenters at the Sixth Annual Jerrell H. Shofner Lecture Series on Florida Culture and History. The topic was “Reconsidering Reconstruction: Regional, National, and Global Perspectives”.
Holly Baker
Holly Baker
K. Stephen Prince
Date Created
University of Central Florida, Public History, K. Stephen Prince, Reconstruction, Southern History, slavery, Long Civil Rights Movement, Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, Black America, Lecture Series on Florida Culture and History, Buffalo Bill, Wild West Show, Long Reconstruction Era, Paul Ortiz, Steven Hahn, Gregory Downs, Heather Cox Richardson, Edward J. Blum, Jim Crow, 1890s, Florida History, Disenfranchisement, Lynching, African American history, 1877, Amendment 4, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Florida State Constitution, The 1868 Florida Constitution, Black Codes, Black Face, Brooklyn, Race, Jerrell Shofner
University of Central Florida, Public History, K. Stephen Prince, Reconstruction, Southern History, slavery, Long Civil Rights Movement, Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, Black America, Lecture Series on Florida Culture and History, Buffalo Bill, Wild West Show, Long Reconstruction Era, Paul Ortiz, Steven Hahn, Gregory Downs, Heather Cox Richardson, Edward J. Blum, Jim Crow, 1890s, Florida History, Disenfranchisement, Lynching, African American history, 1877, Amendment 4, Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Florida State Constitution, The 1868 Florida Constitution, Black Codes, Black Face, Brooklyn, Race, Jerrell Shofner
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“Episode 11: Reconsidering the Reconstruction Era,” Knights Historycast Podcast, 2018, [https://stars.library.ucf.edu/knightshistorycast/11]