Title of material
Gildas, The Fall of Britain
EUH2000; WOH2012
Date (Original)
5th-6th century
Probably the British Isles
Social History; Economic History; Political History; Legal History
Gildas was a churchmen who lived in the British Isles in the 5th or 6th century. His work The Ruin of Britain is a rant condemning the leaders of the Britons in Gildas's lifetime. Gildas complains that these leaders have adopted lifestyles that are too close to the lifestyles of the English-speaking invaders, whom Gildas despises. As part of his rant, Gildas describes the collapse of Roman rule on the island of Britain.
STARS Citation
"Gildas, The Fall of Britain" (2020). All OER History Primary Sources. 54.