On an irregular but frequent basis, columnist Dick Crepeau reminds us that you don't have to be a good sport to be a bad loser. Dr. Crepeau's columns focus on sport in American and world culture. No aspect of sport is too large, too small, too over-hyped, or too obscure for Crepeau, as he ranges across the world of athletics with special attention to sport in the media and to the state of college sports in the U.S.
Dick Crepeau is Professor of History at the University of Central Florida, and one of the leading historians of American sport.
Submissions from 2000
Buying Cuba and other Absurdities, Richard C. Crepeau
Celebrating Medicrity at the Bowls, Richard C. Crepeau
Coaching Methods Not for the Classroom - NCAA and Reform Again, Richard C. Crepeau
Division on Campus Over Athletics, Richard C. Crepeau
Fantasy Sports Come in All Sizes and Shapes and Prices, Richard C. Crepeau
Heart and Hustle Are Real with the Magic, Richard C. Crepeau
Initiation Rituals, Richard C. Crepeau
IOC and Bribery - Bobby Knight and His Temper, Richard C. Crepeau
Is Sydney Ready for the Olymics and are the Olympians Ready for Sydney?, Richard C. Crepeau
Levels of Sporting Excellence: Julie Krone and Jerry West, Richard C. Crepeau
Losing Money Going to Bowl Games, Richard C. Crepeau
Maurice Richard and the Canadian Psyche, Richard C. Crepeau
Mid-Summer Beauty in Sport: The Events and the People, Richard C. Crepeau
Money and Baseball: The Salaries Keep Rising, Richard C. Crepeau
New Life for Monday Night Football?, Richard C. Crepeau
Outsourcing Collegiate Sports, Richard C. Crepeau
Scotty Bowman: The Greatest Hockey Coach Ever, Richard C. Crepeau
Shaq, LSU, the Degree v. Education, Richard C. Crepeau
Sport and Sex, Richard C. Crepeau
Super Bowl vs. Virtual Super Bowl, Richard C. Crepeau
Technology, Chemistry, and Sport, Richard C. Crepeau
Thanksgiving and Football, Richard C. Crepeau
The BCS and Florida Election Officials, Richard C. Crepeau
The Bible Belt, the Sun Belt, and Christian Symbols in Sport, Richard C. Crepeau
The Changing Face of Spring Training in Florida, Richard C. Crepeau
The Changing Geography of Sport in America since WWII, Richard C. Crepeau
The Excellence of Tiger Woods, Richard C. Crepeau
The Orlando Magic and their Cloudy Future, Richard C. Crepeau
The PGA: Six Hours of Riveting Golf with Tiger and Bob May, Richard C. Crepeau
The Public University and Public Pressures, Richard C. Crepeau
The Sidney Olympics and NBC's Bonanza, Richard C. Crepeau
The Significance of the Kicker in American and European Football, Richard C. Crepeau
The Silly Season for Cubs and Congress, Richard C. Crepeau
The Stanley Cup Final Has It All and Thensome, Richard C. Crepeau
The Sydney Games and Cathy Freeman Overshadow the Corruption and Distortion, Richard C. Crepeau
The XFL: Raslin come to Football - Drug Testing High School Athletes, Richard C. Crepeau
Tiger Woods, Ken Griffey, and Tom Landry - Charles Schultz and Sport, Richard C. Crepeau
What I'll Miss and Will Not When I Miss the World Series, Richard C. Crepeau
Submissions from 1999
A Tribute to Wayne Gretsky, Richard C. Crepeau
Bowls Everywhere But None to Match the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl, Richard C. Crepeau
Bud Lite's Bloodless Coup - No NFL in LA, Richard C. Crepeau
Carlos and Smith, Black Protest, and the Black Athlete, Richard C. Crepeau
Columbine and "Jock Culture", Richard C. Crepeau
Columbine and Jock Culture, Richard C. Crepeau
ESPN's 20th Anniversary, Richard C. Crepeau
Ex-Athletes as Politicians, Richard C. Crepeau
Father's Day, Richard C. Crepeau
Fay Vincent, Pete Rose, and Reinstatement, Richard C. Crepeau
In Memoriam Joe DiMaggio, Richard C. Crepeau
John Elway, Richard C. Crepeau