Episode Title

S6 E4: Executive Function with Dr. Matthew Marino


Dr. Matthew Marino


executive function

Episode Description

Executive function includes working memory, planning, organization, social inhibition, self-regulation, and cognitive flexibility. It is an area where many students with disabilities struggle (Vasquez & Marino, 2020). Today Drs. Lisa Dieker and Rebecca Hines sit down and talk with their colleague, Dr. Marino.

Dr. Marino is an associate professor of Exceptional Education at the University of Central Florida and a former secondary special education, science, and technology teacher. Tune in as they talk about executive functions and discuss some practical strategies and tips that parents and educators can work on with students.

Don't forget we love to hear from our listeners! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We look forward to receiving your questions on our Google Phone (407) 900- 9305, Facebook (Practical Access), Twitter (@AccessPractical), or Instagram (@Practical_Access).

References Vasquez, E., & Marino, M. T. (2020). Enhancing executive function while addressing learner variability in inclusive classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1053451220928978

Date Aired


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