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Series Title

Practical Access


Accessibility | Disability and Equity in Education | Education


Join us as we delve into the developing world of AI and the impacts it has in classrooms. Explore it's benefits, power, and mind-bending potential within the classroom. Tiffanie, a former AAC Coordinator in the school district of Iowa, joins us to elaborate on the integration of AI technology in classrooms. Meet El, Tiffanie's innovative chatbot designed to revolutionize teaching practices and enhance student learning experiences.

Resources: 1. Chatbots: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF4ZnhZ8TI/bGhftIi8zBjLuBFANJBP2w/view?utm_content=DAF4ZnhZ8TI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor 2. Potential AI prompts for teachers: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF4ZqYl_jw/_olvAwhe1ckWTsQEOGmmRQ/view?utm_content=DAF4ZqYl_jw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

Highlights: -Introduction to El: Explore how El, a groundbreaking chatbot, is transforming classrooms by providing personalized support and assistance to teachers and students. -Support for Teachers: Discover how El streamlines classroom management and enhances teaching strategies by organizing lesson plans, providing real-time feedback, and empowering educators to create engaging learning environments. -Enhanced Student Interaction: Experience the power of El's interactive prompts and personalized responses, fostering meaningful interactions with students and promoting active participation in learning activities. -Future Implications: Explore the limitless potential of El in educational settings, paving the way for a more efficient, interactive, and personalized approach to education.

Date Created


Item Type




Length of Episode

13 Minutes

S11E1_transcript.docx (25 kB)
Transcript - Practical Access S11E1

Accessibility Status

We are committed to ensuring accessibility for all users. To support individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer text-based content, a full transcript accompanies each episode of this audio podcast. The transcript provides a detailed, text-based representation of the audio content and can be accessed directly on the podcast’s webpage. If you have any questions or require additional accommodation, please feel free to contact us at stars@ucf.edu.
