

Sender Place

Amsterdam, Netherlands


Roger Longworth via Thomas Atherton

Receiver Place

Green Boat, St. Patrick Street, Dublin, Ireland

Repository holding original letter

Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Full Date


Document Type


Country, State, Location 1

52.372430, 4.899730

Country, State, Location 2

53.349804, -6.260310


Peter Hendricks, Amsterdam, Roger Longworth, Thomas Atherton, Dublin, Ireland, Quakers, Society of Friends, London, Jan Claus, Abraham Roos, Friesland, Grietie Peters, Jan Janson, Harlingen, Embden, Emden, Burgemaster Andre, Magdalena Van Ladridat, England, Peter Hingsbergh, Johan Sybrands, Jacob Sysberts, Wouter Outerlo, Friedrichstadt, Frederichstadt, Haarlem, Rotterdam, Weyert Janson, Danzig, Thomas Green, Roger Haydock, William Penn, Dorothy Wouthuysen, S. J. V. Tanges, Adrian Gersten, Green Boat St. Petterik Street Dublin, Green Boot St. Patrick Street Dublin, Green Boot, Essex Gate, Communication network, Marriage, Family life, Health- illness, Death


Letter dated August 28, 1686 (August 18, 1686 Old Style) from Peter Hendricks to Roger Longworth, delivered to Thomas Atherton.


Amsterd; [Amsterdam] den [the] 18 6/m [month]:1686.
Deare and wel [well] beloved frind [friend]
Roger Longworth to ^w^ [with] him is mij [my] Dear Love hierbij [hereby]
Remembred [remembered] onto thee [you] in the fellowship of the Truth of god
in which is Lord has made us neer [near] and Deare [dear] won [one] unto another
blested [blessed] bee [be] [strikethrough] his hoolij [holy] name fur [for] ever -
Dear Roger, wee [we] recaved [recieved] thijn [thine] frum [from] London dated the 30 1. m. [month] 86 [1686]
wee [we] was glad to hear of thee [you] and frinds [friends]; and so wee [we] knouw [know] thou [you]
ardt [are] too [to] hear of us -- knouw [know] therfore [therefore] dat [that] wee [we] ar [are] ferri [very] wel [well] in
ouwer [our] familij [family] thorruw [through] te [to] Mercijs [mercies] of the Lord. Jan Claus
wijf [wife] hes [has] La^i^nein [lain in] has a dafther [daughter], mother and scheild [child] are wel [well]. Abrah^am^: [Abraham] 
Roos [Abraham Roos] and his wijf [wife] have a son. thaj [they] ar [are] al [all] well - friends in 
frieslandz [Friesland] ar [are] well, Eelke Auckes in the woude [wood] thad [that] ke^e^ps [keeps] so many 
bies [bees], hee [he] propounds [proposed] a marrigs [marriage] with grietie pieters, the 
widdouw [widow] womme [woman] neare [near] Jan Jansons [Jan Janson's] at Harlingen wee [we] hoope [hope] 
it will [will] bee [be] prittij [pretty] coppel [couple] at Embden [Emden] goothings [good things] hitther [hither] 
too verrij [very] wel [well] Burgerm: [Burgermaster] Andre [Andrew] deseijrd [desired] mour [more] of laete [late] tot [to] 
Magdalena van Laer [Loar], dat [that] hij [he] wischt [wished] dat [that] som [some] frinds [friends] micht [might] kom [come]  
out of Englandz [England] too [to] live thaer [there] Pieter Hinghzbergh [Pieter Heinzberg] 
wee [we] exspechz [expect] hier [here] this on the nechs [next] week at ouwer [our] Jearlij [Yearly] 
Meeting, which will bee [be] 12 daigs [days] hers wee [we] exspechc [expect] also Jacob 
[gijsbers?] en [and] wauter [water] outerso from frederickstat at Haerlen ar [are] 
thing moths [most] alleijk [alike]. Rotterdm: [Rotterdam] also. exept [expect] weijer  Jansen grows 
weker [weaker] and weker [weaker], his boddy [body] swels [swells] so thad [that] hee [he] kan [can] goo [go] no moor [more], butt [but] 
bij [by] kruches [crutches] frindes [friends] in Dantzik [Danzig] ar [are] trethened [threatened] firrij [very] worhs [worse] with 
breidwel [Bridewell], if theij [they] nott [not] le^a^ve [leave] ther [their] meeting togither [together]. thay [They] ar [are] wel [well] 
and have [safe] besids [besides] frinds [friends] of other places deseijred [desired] to remember [remember] thaijr [their]
dear love unto thee [you]. Dear Tho: green [Thomas Green] hes bin [been] with us severall
wecks [weaks?] to ouwer [our] refreschment [refreshment] in the Lord; nouw [now] wee [we] Expeckt [expect]
deare [dear] Roger Hadock [Roger Haydock], and Will: peen [William Penn] at auwer [our] Jaerlij [Yearly] Mee
tin [meeting] the Lord willing or permitting. wel [well] thaij [they] wil [will] bee [be] viarrij [very] welckam [welcome]
Dorethe wauthuijsen [Dorothy Wouthuysen] is heir [here], has bin [been] hier [here] nauw [now] about 4 weeks 
Th: Green [Thomas Green] did Lijk [like] her pritti [pretty] wel [well] butt [but] hau [how] it wil [will] go with [cut off: the] 
bisnus [business] thou [you] knows of wee [we] may see I kan [can] say not my [cut off:] 
at present; butt [but] I kan nott [cannot] say that [strikethrough: is] it is farther off as it [cut off] 
bee [be] - the Lord knouws [knows] what best if, and to him I Commit 
the Caes [case] - . so deare [dear] Roger having give thee [you] som [some] accout [account], I 
schal [shall] Conklud [Conclude] being onwilling [unwilling] touble [trouble] thee [you] to muchs [much] with mij [my] 
bad Englisch [English] Committing thee [you] in the protection of the Lord with 
mij slef and al that faer [fear] him, deseijring [desing] to haer [hear] samteijm [sometime] 
from thee, and I bid thee [you] farwell [farewell]. Mij[my] Camp: [company] and wijf [wife] 
B.V. Tangen Jan Raelofs Jacob Claus and thaijr [their] wijfs [wifes] Thar [their] dear 
Lofs [loves] is onto thee [you] hierbij [hereby] remenbred [remembered] 

[page 2] 
Adrian gertse, hes [he's] burried his weijs [wife]. schee [she] is burried 
at the place whaer [where] hee [he] Lifs [lives] things wend [went] so wel [well] at the 
buarial [burial] as we kould [could] desire 
wel [well], I conclude and remaije [remain] as thou [you] knous [knows] mee [me] 
to bee [be] thy real and well affectionated friends 
Pieter Hendricks [Peter Hendricks] 

[written on left margin; letter address] 

Peter Hendricks 
6 mo [month] 18. 1686. 
Roger Longworth 

[written towards bottom] 

To Thomas Atherton 
At ye [the] Green boate [boat], in  
St Pettertik Street  [St. Patrick Street, Dublin] 
For Roger In 8th 
Ye [the] Blindkey [?]

[written in right margin] 

to [?] deare [dear] – 10 […lds?] 
to [Eadenderie?]- 10 [1…?] 
to [unitt [unit]/ witt [?]] Bearcroftel  2 







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