"Climate Change and Tourist Destinations: Florida's Case" by Alan Fyall, Dr. Asli Tasci et al.


Aside from the physical impacts of climate change, society's perception of climate change, and the response to it at different decision-making levels, are now critical issues. As public awareness of the consequences of climate change increases, it becomes a consideration in everyday decision-making, including tourism. The research of three colleagues at Rosen college o Hospitality Managment, Dr. Alan Fyall, Dr. Asli D. A. Tasci, and Dr. Jill Fjelstul, along with Dr. Roberta Atzori from California State University, Monterey Bay, examines how social representations of climate change may affect a choice of holiday destination. In particular, they examine how they might affect the prosperity of the state of Florida.

Original Article

Atzori R, Fyall A, Tasci ADA, Fjelstul J. (2018). The role of social representations in shaping tourist responses to potential climate change impacts: An analysis of Florida's coastal destinations. Journal of Travel Research. 58(8), p. 1373-1388. https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287518802089.
