An Investigation of Technology Competence of School-based Administrators in Florida Schools


Education; Data processing; Educational technology; School management and organization


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of technology competence of school-based administrators in Florida's schools and to investigate factors associated with the concept of technology competence. The variables of technology competence, perceived skill importance, and frequency of technology use were investigated along with the demographic characteristics of district size, county connectivity, school size, school grade levels, school connectivity, years of administrative experience, and the administrator's access to a computer at work. The areas of technology competence investigated were basic computer operations, file management, word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphics, presentation/multimedia, Internet, e-mail, technology ethics, technology integration, and information searching. Responses to a five-part questionnaire provided by two groups of administrators, principals and technology proficient other administrators, throughout Florida were analyzed. Issues addressed by this research were: What level of technology competence, skill importance, and technology use did school administrators possess? Was there a significant difference between the values obtained from the two groups of administrators for the variables of technology competence, skill importance, and technology use? Do school administrators possess proficiency in the technology competency areas proposed by the literature? Was there a significant correlation between technology competence and the demographic variables of district size, county connectivity, school size, school grade levels, school connectivity, years of administrative experience, and the administrator's access to a computer at work? Findings revealed a wide range in the mean scale scores for technology competence and technology use for both administrator groups while skill importance scores were high for both administrative groups. Results indicated statistical and practical significant differences with the principal group scoring lower for all 3 dependent variables. It was determined from the findings that administrators, as a whole were sufficiently proficient with word processing, e-mail, technology ethics, file management, and technology integration, marginally proficient with information seeking, Internet, and basic computer operations, and lacking proficiency in the areas of database, spreadsheet, presentation/multimedia, and graphics applications. It was also determined that administrative experience was the only demographic variable that had a significant correlation with technology competence. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that much work needs to be done to improve the technology proficiency of school administrators. Current administrators need training opportunities to improve their competency levels in several areas of technology use. Additionally, educational leadership programs need to ensure that aspiring school administrators are trained in the use of technologies for school management functions. Only through increased technology competence on the part of school administrators shall schools be able to start taking full advantage of the technologies available to improve education.


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Graduation Date



Bozeman, William C.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Instructional Programs and Educational Leadership




235 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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