A Study to Assess the Impact of a Balanced Reading and Technology-based Intervention on Reluctant Readers in Middle School


This study was designed to assess the impact of a balanced reading and technology-based intervention developed for middle school students identified as reluctant readers. The focus was to determine the impact that the intervention had on the level of subjects' literacy skills and attitudes displayed about school, reading, and learning. The study also analyzed the residual impact that participation in the intervention had on student attendance and behavior. Key components of the intervention were also described and analyzed for relative effectiveness in assisting reluctant readers. Subjects consisted of 88 middle school students including three samples of students who participated in the literacy intervention. The setting was a large, urban school district in central Florida. Data were collected over a 2-year period through the administration of pre and post-assessment instruments. Data were also collected on subjects through the aggregation of existing information from the mainframe computer of the school district. Finally, data were collected during a field study through the use of a structured interview of a sample of students. The study was conducted under the framework of four research questions. Research questions sought to determine the impact the intervention had on participants' literacy skills and attitudes toward school, reading, and learning. In addition, the study sought to determine the impact that the intervention had on student attendance and behavior. Analysis of data collected revealed: (a) students' literacy skills improved, particularly in the areas of reading comprehension and feelings of competence expressed by the students; (b) students' attitudes toward school, reading, and learning improved; (c) participants' average daily attendance went largely unchanged, however the perceived quality of the students' day improved, and (d) student behavior did not improve, but an analysis reflected that a majority of the misbehavior was minor in nature. The following conclusions were reached. An effective literacy intervention for reluctant readers should include a comprehensive and balanced approach utilizing effective teaching strategies, interactive and motivating technology, and a literacy enriched environment. The intervention used in the study was effective. students demonstrated significant improvement in literacy skills and dramatic improvement in attitudes about school, reading, and learning.


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Graduation Date





Bozeman, William C.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Services




188 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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