Personal, educational, and career success demographics of instructional technology graduates : a survey of instructional technology gradutes from selected graduate programs across the United States


This study investigated the career success factors and demographic variables of instructional technology graduates across the United States. The purpose of this study was to provide up-to-date information about instructional technology careers and to identify success factors within these careers. Data was gathered using a four page survey, custom designed for this study. Twelve graduate programs across the United States were randomly selected to have their graduates participate in the study. The researcher set the parameter of 1987-1991 graduation dates so that the information gathered would be reflective of recent graduates. A population of 763 instructional technology program graduates were surveyed. An overall response rate of 62% (422) was achieved. Based on many factors the return rate on the usable surveys was 50%. Career success was defined three different ways for this study: (1) current salary level; (2) self-reporting of success; (3) a success score created by combining several responses on the survey. The results provided some variables that differed between successful and non-successful graduates based on current salary. Sex and length of time to find a job appear to be different for successful versus nonsuccessful graduates in terms of salary. Using the participants' self-reporting of their success yielded additional differences. Internship participation and current employment in the instructional technology field differentiated between successful and non-successful graduates. The results also provided some variables that differed between successful and non-successful graduates as defined by their success score. Once again internship participation differs significantly between successful and non-successful participants. It also appears that the greater one's salary, the more likely one would be successful, with over a $10,000 difference in the average salary of successful and non-successful graduates. Again the two variables, length of time to find job, and current employment in instructional technology, differentiated between successful and non-successful graduates.


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Graduation Date





Baumbach, Donna J.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Foundations

Degree Program

Curriculum and Instruction




191 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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