Hotel management education : an evaluation of the benefit of operating captive training facilities


Hotel management education is a relatively new academic discipline with a varied reporting structure across university campuses without a singular accepted body of curriculum. Some baccalaureate programs have full service hotels fully integrated into their curriculum (captive training facilities) to facilitate the practical component. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether hotel management programs with captive training facilities were perceived to deliver a better hotel management education than those without such facilities by entering hotel management students, faculty and corporate recruiters. The study surveyed 123 Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (CHRIE) faculty members from 10 schools, five with captive facilities and five without captive facilities, 289 entering hotel management students and 82 hotel management companies. The instrument, using competencies hotel management graduates should possess identified in the literature, asked each respondent: "How important is this competency to your definition of a good hotel management education?" "How important is it to have a practical work experience in this competency?" and "How important is it to have this competency taught through captive training facilities'?" Responses were coded on a five-point Likert scale. Means, frequencies and standard deviations were analyzed, and tests for significance were conducted using the Pearson chi-square, two-tailed t-tests and t-tests for paired samples. All three groups concurred that the competencies were important in the definition of good hotel management education. To a lesser degree, all three groups responded that it was important to have practical work experiences in these competencies, and to an even lesser degree, all three groups rated the importance of having a practical work experience taught in captive training facilities. For faculty and students, the difference between the means for having a practical work experience and having it taught through captive training facilities was significant. Differences in the importance of having practical work experiences and having these practical work experiences taught in captive training facilities were significant for faculty and students depending on whether the program that they are associated with has captive training facilities.


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Graduation Date





Murray, Kenneth T.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Services




167 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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