The development of a magnet school : a case study of the attitudes of parents, students, teachers and administrators
Magnet schools
The investigation of parent, student, teacher and administrator attitudes toward a magnet school was the focus of this descriptive case study. The program at the magnet school was centered around mathematics, science and computer/technology with a gifted studies component. The study assessed student and teacher attitudes toward computer usage and toward school and learning in general. Data were collected using surveys, inventories and interviews from faculty, administrators, students and groups of parents. Instruments used to gather data were the Parent opinion Inventory, student Opinion Inventory, and Teacher opinion Inventory which were used to assess attitudes toward the magnet school. The Attitude Toward Computer usage scale, an adult version and a student version, were used to assess attitudes of teachers and students toward computers. Structured interviews with teachers, students, parents and administrators yielded data about attitudes of those groups. students and teachers took the Attitude Toward computer Usage Scales in September 1990 and again in April 1991. students and teachers also took opinion inventories in September and April of the first year of the magnet school program. Parents, teachers, students and administrators responded to questions in face-to-face interviews. Data were then categorized and analyzed looking for indicators of individual's and group's feelings about the school and whether attitudes had changed since the magnet school's inception. Analysis of the data indicated that teachers' attitudes toward the school and computer usage were more positive at the end of the first year of the magnet school. student attitudes, while positive at the beginning of the year toward school and computer usage, did not become more positive by the end of the school year. Parental attitude toward school was more positive than the year before. Administrators were strongly positive. The following conclusions were determined: (1) The establishment of the magnet school was a positive experience for most participants of all groups studied: students, parents, teachers and administrators. (2) Parents were willing to enroll their children in the magnet school to take advantage of the mathematics, science, computer/technology program. (3) Increased parental involvement enhanced the success of the magnet school. (4) Parents, students, teacher and administrators view computers as enhancements to school success.
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Graduation Date
Rothberg, Robert A.
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
College of Education
Educational Leadership
177 p.
Length of Campus-only Access
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic
STARS Citation
Cocchiarella, Joanna F., "The development of a magnet school : a case study of the attitudes of parents, students, teachers and administrators" (1991). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 3817.
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