Assessment methodologies in the elementary literature program: an applied study


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the relations between retelling scores and three reading comprehension indicators. The four comprehension measures used in this study were the comprehension process score, post oral-reading cloze test score, oral retelling score, and the passage-dependent multiple-choice test score. The instruments represented different perspectives of the reading process. Correlations led to an examination of the oral retelling weighting scale as it related to the other indicators. A story was selected and original instruments were developed. After the passage was read orally and miscues recorded, the other three assessment methods were administered in counterbalanced order. Analysis of the data was based on the responses of 96 fourth-grade students enrolled in the extended day care programs in seven public elementary schools in Central Florida. Correlations from the data collected were used to develop multiple regression equations to suggest a modified weighting scale for the retelling score. In the assessment of reading comprehension, retelling scores were moderately correlated to other selected comprehension measures. Retelling specific information subscores had very little correlation with other selected comprehension measures. Retelling generalizations subscores had a very small correlation with other selected comprehension measures. Retelling major concepts subscores had a low level of correlation with other selected comprehension measures. The correlations and regressions between retelling subscores and other selected comprehension measures suggested a modified weighting scale. The choice of a reading comprehension measure should be based on the research objectives and theoretical and practical considerations. Data from correlations presented low to moderate correlations between the four comprehension measures in this study. These correlations may be due to differences in process and product indicators as well as amount of practice with the various formats. It may also emphasize the need to use multiple methods in assessing comprehension. The modified retelling scale suggested was applicable to this study. It pointed out the need to consider the weighting of subscores when using retellings with other passages.


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Graduation Date





Joels, Rosie


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Instructional Programs




134 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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