The Use of Constraints to Represent Process System Knowledge in Automated Knowledge Generation


Representation schemes are developed to simplify the understanding and processing of information. The amount and quality of information available are factors that can easily set limitations on computer programs that are knowledge intensive. Expert systems are such programs. Problems exist where there is too much or too little information and too much or too little detail in the information. Most large expert systems have all of these situations and problems that arise from these are usually solved by case specific solutions. This results in highly complex and somewhat delicate knowledge systems. The research done here generically constrains the models of process system components to the operating guidelines of their domains so that the problems of excess or scanty data can be compensated. This is the methodology used in the ongoing Automated Knowledge Generation (AKG) project to introduce process theory into the representation of its components. The results of this research is a working scheme for representing process knowledge using constraints. This work is to be used for the explicit development and generation of model-based representations of process system components from CAD data. The benefits of describing such knowledge are revealed in the generation of a more sound and complete representation of the modelled system. The basic concept behind the process knowledge is to supplement information to, and guide the resolution of components incompletely or inaccurately described in CAD schematic data. The proposed scheme uses relations among attributes in constraints as criteria for establishing consistency between constraints. Use of this process relational information not only serves to create a more complete model of the system but also allows for better evaluation of components themselves and their connectivity to other components.


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Graduation Date





Gonzalez, Avelino J.


Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Engineering


Computer Engineering

Degree Program

Computer Engineering





Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Masters Thesis (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Engineering; Engineering -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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