The design, development, and implementation of a statistical process control (spc) system in a U.S. army contractor's manufacturing facility


The record U.S. trade deficit is a symptom of a problem that is now well known to most Americans: increased foreign competition has created an environment in the world marketplace in which American goods and services are no longer the preferred choice of the international consumer. Additionally, the open marketplace in the U.S. allows the American consumer the option of choosing the best product available for the money, regardless of where it was manufactured. The end result is that domestic companies now face stronger competition and a more demanding consumer than ever before. It is generally recognized by U.S. company executives that the solution to this problem lies in improving productivity and quality in our manufacturing organizations. Statistical Process Control (SPC) is one option that many companies have found to be an effective tool for improving productivity and quality. In recognition of the benefits of using SPC in manufacturing, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and its associated procurement agencies have begun encouraging and, in some cases, requiring selected Government contractors to implement SPC in their operations. The purpose of this report is to define the objectives and methods for designing, developing, and implementing a effective Statistical Process Control (SPC) system in a U.S. Army supplier's manufacturing facility. This report is directed towards organizations which have decided to implement SPC as a result of their involvement with the Contractor Performance Certification Program initiative and/or the inclusion of the SPC "E" Clause in one or more of their contracts. However, the report is also applicable in large part to firms in other industries implementing SPC for other reasons. The body of this report provides a guide to establishing a SPC system development plan, determining system requirements, performing SPC process analysis : implementing SPC training, evaluating SPC measurement equipment, implementing SPC supplier controls, enacting system quality assurance provisions, and maintaining adequate SPC records. While many other sources address some of these issues, none presents them in a single, simplified format geared towards today's U.S. Army manufacturing facility and contractual environment.


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Graduation Date





Elshennawy, Ahmad K.


Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Engineering


Industrial Engineering and Management Systems




108 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Masters Thesis (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Engineering; Engineering -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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