A study of the relationship between hemispheric preference and writing development


This study links research in hemispheric specialization which supports the concept of left and right hemispheric modes in problem solving with techniques for. teaching composition. Previous studies have not specifically examined who is helped by techniques which are labled as left or right hemispheric in style. The experimental group received composition instruction which emphasized right hemispheric exercises. The control group was given parallel assignments but instruction techniques emphasized left hemispheric techniques. All students were tested for hemispheric mode using the Hemispheric Mode Indicator. The Diederich Scale was used on sample essays to determine pre and posttest writing levels. Two major hypotheses were tested. Stated in the null, the first hypothesis is that there will be no significant difference in amount of writing improvement between writing classes taught emphasizing right hemispheric techniques and those taught emphasizing left hemispheric techniques. The experimental group taught using right hemispheric techniques moved from a pretest mean on the Diederich of 24.61 to a posttest mean of 27.67, a change which is significant at the .001 confidence level. The group taught using left hemispheric techniques moved from a pretest mean on the Diederich of 30.19 to 31. 7 4 which is not significant. The first null hypothesis was rejected. In order to look more closely within the groups to determine if one cognitive style or the other received greater treatment effect, a second hypothesis, stated in the null, is that there will be no significant differences within the two major groups as to the degree of writing improvement when comparing those classified as right hemispheric and those classified as left hemispheric. Only those classified as right hemispheric in the right hemispheric group showed a significant difference (at the .001 confidence level) in their pre and posttest scores, moving from a pretest mean of 24.30 to a posttest mean of 28. 26. The significance of change for the entire group was due to the appropriately paired subgroup. The second null was rejected. The conclusion to be made from this study is that those who are right hemispheric are significantly helped in th~ir writing when taught with techniques that match thier pref erred learning style.


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Graduation Date





Wood, Alexander T.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Foundations




182 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

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