An investigation of the relationship among perceptions of organizational climate and principal competencies in elementary schools


This study was designed to determine school climate and principal dimensions or competencies at selected elementary schools as determined by staff members' perceptions and to assess the relationship between the climate and the competencies. A field-based survey study design was used. The climate at 25 elementary schools was assessed using the Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire-Rutgers Elementary (OCDQ-RE). The principal competencies were measured by the Site Analysis Preference Form (SAPF). Additionally, demographic information was gathered. The outcome of the study identified interesting results among the climate subtests found within the elementary schools and the principal dimensions determined to meet the schools' organizational needs as identified by staff members. The schools in the study appeared to exhibit more of the characteristics of an open climate. The open climate is one in which the principal and the staff work well together. However, the school clusters formed by the principal dimensions were significantly different for the Directive climate subtest. This may indicate that the staff members of schools differ in the perception of their principal's behaviors and what they perceive as a Directive climate. The Directive climate is characterized by a more closed climate with high professional performance by the teacher but where the principal maintains close control over all school activities and is extremely thorough. Insight into the perception staff members have of the principal can be deduced from the relationship among the Directive subtest and the principal dimensions. The Directive subtest shows a significant correlation with the Planning and Organizing competency and the Delegation competency. Indicative of the insight that staff members perceive regarding the· principal's role is revealed in the report that asked respondents to indicate the most needed competency for an incoming principal. More than one-half (13) of the schools reported Stress and nine schools selected Planning and Organization.


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Graduation Date





Harrow, Thomas L.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Services




221 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

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