The relationship of macandrew scaled scores to level of life area functioning


In an attempt to differentiate alcoholic personality types from other psychiatric patients, MacAndrew (1965) devised a scale consisting of 49 MMPI items. Several researchers have attested to the validity of the MacAndrew Scale (MAC). The scale does not appear to be influenced by alcohol treatment or whether or not the alcoholic is presently drinking. In a study designed to investigate the meaning of high and low MAC scores, O'Neil, Giacinto, Waid, Roitzsch, Miller, and Kilpatrick (1983) divided subjects into four groups based on the numerical value of their scores. They found several significant differences between groups. The highest scorers were more likely to have had more alcohol-related job disruptions and more legal problems than were the other groups. Low scorers were seen as generally more defensive, depressed, and more unlikely to acknowledge emotional or psychological difficulties than were the other groups. It was the purpose of the present study to assess the relationship between MAC scores and problems in different areas of life functioning. In 1984, Schuckit developed a quantifiable treatment outcome measure. It is a highly structured intake interview which addresses the following nine areas: (1) quantity and frequency of drinking, (2) alcoholism treatment, (3) employment, (4) social functioning, (5) police problem, (6) health problem, (7) drinking problem, (8) mental health, and (9) drugs, Each of the nine areas are scored as well as an overall life functioning score. The total score is indicative of the overall level of patient functioning. A modification of Schuckit's Pragmatic Treatment Outcome Scale was administered to 61 alcoholic subjects, MAC scores were categorized into Nonalcoholic range scores, Low scorers, Medium scorers, and High scorers. The results indicated that the highest MAC scorers (Group 4) had significantly more overall life functioning problems, legal problems, and employment problems than did the "nonalcoholic" scorers (Group 1). This is consistent with MacAndrew's theory of primary abusers as bold, delinquent, reward seekers. The implications for preventative programs for high risk teenagers are discussed.


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Graduation Date





Tell, Phillip M.


Master of Science (M.S.)


College of Arts and Sciences






67 p.



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Masters Thesis (Open Access)




Arts and Sciences -- Dissertations, Academic; Dissertations, Academic -- Arts and Sciences

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