Evaluation of the Florida Model Technology Program on Teachers and Students in High School A: A Qualitative Study


The problem investigated in this study concerned whether the Florida Model Technology program at High School A was having an effect on students and teachers. The study, focused on teachers' perceptions. Participants in this study volunteered and included teachers, a district administrator and school administrators. Research questions addressed effectiveness of the Model Technology Program on student attendance, discipline and grades as well as testing, instructional practices and curriculum improvement. Participants were asked to respond to research questions during face-to-face interviews. The researcher was the primary instrument for data collection. Analysis of data revealed that 50% of teachers reported that the Model Technology Program had an affect on attendance and 38% reported that the Model Technology Program had a positive effect on student discipline. Of sampled teachers, 50% reported a positive change in pass/fail rates and 100% a positive affect on students' academic performances in ways other than pass/fail rates due to the Model Technology Program. Testing and record keeping improved due to the Model Technology program according to 88% of teachers. All teachers reported that teaching and instructional practices improved and curriculum within disciplines and course content improved due to the Model Technology Program. The following conclusions were reached: 1. teachers did not feel that technology had a significant affect on attendance; 2. although only 38% of teachers responded that technology influenced student discipline, other factors point to technology having a positive influence on discipline; 3. most teachers interviewed felt that technology had a positive influence on academic performance, but not necessarily pass/fail rates; 4. all teachers who used technology based testing systems agreed that technology improved the process of testing and record keeping. 5. all teachers perceived that the Model Technology Program improved teaching and instructional practices; and 6. all teachers reported that Model Technology improved curriculum within disciplines and course content.


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Graduation Date





Bozeman, William C.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Services




136 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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