A development of a conceptual framework for principal evaluation and comparison of the framework to evaluation formats currently utilized in 7 southeastern states


School principals -- Rating of


As the emphasis on accountability in public education has increased, the interest in the accurate evaluation of school principals has been heightened. A large body of research and writing regarding the processes used for evaluating principals has been developed. The purposes of this study were: (a) to develop a conceptual framework by synthesizing research on the recommended process of principal evaluation, (b) to compare the conceptual framework that was developed with what was currently being implemented by selected school districts, and (c) to determine the currently used processes for principal evaluations within the population being researched. This study developed a research-based conceptual framework that resulted from the review of the research and writing on principal evaluation since 1990. An analysis tool to be used to analyze school district principal evaluation procedures was developed from the conceptual framework. This study analyzed principal evaluation procedures in 41 school districts in 7 southeastern states: Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. The conceptual framework consisted of four major considerations that were apparent in the review of the literature: (a) the purpose of evaluating principals, (b) the individuals who were involved in the principal evaluation process, (c) the procedures and structure of principal evaluation, and (d) the effective principal behaviors/competencies for which principals were evaluated. The data analysis revealed that school districts in states with a state developed process for principal evaluation more completely addressed the evaluation practices contained in the conceptual framework than districts in states without uniform evaluation procedures. Although recommended by the literature, current principal evaluation practices did not contain measurable student achievement and school related outcomes as part of the principal evaluation process in the districts surveyed. Recommendations for further study included: further analysis of the districts that did use measurable data as part of the evaluation process, analysis why principals were not reappointed at the conclusion of the evaluation process in selected districts, and follow-up research to re-examine the states surveyed to observe changes in practice and to extend the study beyond the seven southeastern states.


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Graduation Date



Bozeman, William C.


Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


College of Education


Educational Research, Technology, and Leadership




252 p.



Length of Campus-only Access


Access Status

Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)




Dissertations, Academic -- Education; Education -- Dissertations, Academic

Accessibility Status

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