Crossbar Computer Network Using Motorola Exor-Sets.
The design and implementation of a multicomputer communication network using crossbar switches are described. Four Motorola EXORset development systems implement the network, which provides a flexible communication system for a wide range of data rates. Each computer in the system can send or receive messages to or from other computers in addition to performing their local task. The systems hardware has been partitioned into communication interface units and a controller unit. A communication program written in 6809 assembly language has been developed to interface computers with the controller unit. The communication program acts as a postman, sending and routing messages for each user by means of interrupt-driven sending and receiving software.
Publication Date
Publication Title
Conference on Local Computer Networks
Number of Pages
Document Type
Article; Proceedings Paper
Personal Identifier
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Socpus ID
0023595978 (Scopus)
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STARS Citation
Patz, Benjamin W.; Song, Teh Cheng; and Towhidnejad, Massood, "Crossbar Computer Network Using Motorola Exor-Sets." (1987). Scopus Export 1980s. 219.