Alco - A Co Screening Model For Alabama
Before state or federal roadways projects can proceed, an environmental analysis is required. Such analysis may be relatively simple or may be more complex depending on the attainment status (ambient air quality) in the project area, but in many cases, the intersection or roadway being analyzed is small enough that it has little or negligible impact on air quality. A carbon monoxide (CO) screening test provides engineers and planners a quick and easy way to screen out those projects that have little or no impact and thus save their efforts for those facilities that may have significant impact on environmental quality. A new program has been developed for the Alabama DOT that uses both MOBILE6 and CAL3QHC to conduct a screening of intersections for air quality impacts. Written in Visual Basic, it executes within a few minutes with minimal user input, and produces CO predictions for a variety of intersection types, including a diamond interchange. It has a number of built-in default values that are appropriate for specific regions of Alabama. This paper presents the model and discusses its development and use.
Publication Date
Publication Title
Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association's Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Number of Pages
Document Type
Article; Proceedings Paper
Personal Identifier
Copyright Status
Socpus ID
18944389548 (Scopus)
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STARS Citation
Cooper, C. David; Keely, Debra K.; Gawalpanchi, Sheetal; and Jones, Steven L., "Alco - A Co Screening Model For Alabama" (2004). Scopus Export 2000s. 4871.