
Decision Support Models For Environmental Management: A Pricing Model For Florida Scrub Habitat


Florida scrub-jay; Planning models; Scrub habitat; Spreadsheets; Visualization


Environmental ethicists believe it is immoral for human action to result in the extinction of a species. The US Endangered Species Act of 1973 codifies this belief. This paper describes an ongoing case study involving the development of a DSS model to predict the price of Florida scrub habitat. This habitat is crucial to the survival of the Florida scrub-jay, a bird found only in Florida that is listed as threatened on the endangered species list. To develop on lands that are occupied by Florida scrub-jays, the property owner must provide mitigation fees for the impacts. The basic question addressed is whether the mitigation fee is adequate to keep up with land price inflation for the next few years. The case involves the use of software designed to support the visualization of planning models by providing simple mechanisms for visualizing results of "what if" analyses. Engaging visual displays may enhance the ability to convince decision makers and the general public to provide adequate funds to protect this endangered bird.

Publication Date


Publication Title

Association for Information Systems - 12th Americas Conference On Information Systems, AMCIS 2006



Number of Pages


Document Type

Article; Proceedings Paper

Personal Identifier


Socpus ID

84870185708 (Scopus)

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