Constructing a Smart Destination Framework: A Destination Marketing Organization Perspective


Destination management; DMOs; Smart cities; Smart destinations; Information and communication technology


Smart destinations have emerged as a means of integrating physical and technological infrastructure to create seamless experiences for tourists and to improve the quality of life for residents. However, the operationalization of the smart destination concept, and especially the roles and functions of Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs), remain poorly understood. This study uses interviews with experts in destination marketing, place management and technology, alongside analysis of Destination Marketing Systems (DMSs) to identify how DMOs can lead and facilitate the development and effective governance of smart innovations. The data are used to examine several key themes including: the potential for a ‘smart vision’ of the destination; the contributions of DMO leadership in smart destination strategies; the functions and utility of DMSs; the involvement of key destination stakeholders; and the supporting pillars of information technology infrastructure, sustainability, livability, and governance as the foundations for smart destination development. The article concludes by providing a conceptual framework that can help to comprehend and evaluate both the components of smart destinations and the roles of DMOs in their implementation and management.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Sorokina, E., Wang, Y., Fyall, A., Lugosi, P., Torres, E., & Jung, T. (2022). Constructing a smart destination framework: A destination marketing organization perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 23, 100688.

Document Type




Source Title

Journal of Destination Marketing & Management




Rosen College of Hospitality Management


Rosen College of Hospitality Management

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