
University Knowledge Community; Metadata Librarian; Metadata specialist; Roles of Metadata librarian; Cataloging; Metadata; Metadata services; Scholarly communication; Roles of Metadata librarian; Challenges and changes


Metadata librarians' engaging in the university knowledge community is becoming a trend in recent years. In preparing for this change, it can be challenging for the metadata librarians to step out of the "back room", engage in scholarly communication and actively participate in the university knowledge community. This presentation discusses the shifting environment, the required changes for the metadata librarians such as developing professional and technical competency, acquiring new knowledge and skills and getting into the new world to be more connected to students, faculty and researchers, and various factors that will affect the situation. It concludes that the best way for Metadata Librarians to be connected to the university knowledge community still needs further exploration.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Deng, S. (2017). Diving into the university knowledge community: navigating the expanded role of the Metadata Librarian. The Chinese American Librarians Association Southeast Chapter conference, Atlanta, GA. January 20, 2017.

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Version

Author's version


Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


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