The Mystory: The Garage d’Or of Ereignis


Performance; Identity; Media environments; Mystory; Ereignis


The performance of identity involves impression management, social skills, and self-reflexivity. To perform identity in media environments involves writing our identities into being. Media environments have facilitated a new kind of selfhood—brand—in which we model our identities on celebrities. However, because brand identity has no ethical grounding, it raises legitimate concerns. To incorporate ethics, I perform my identity through mystory, Gregory Ulmer’s genre of reflexive writing. By composing a mystory, I consult with an avatar—which in Hindu tradition was a god descended into earthly form—that reveals my ethical condition and a pathway through it. This consultation functions as pharmakon (Derrida, 1995), revealing truths to me which both wound and heal. I use mystory to address a personal question, “How do I lead an ethical life?” and a policy problem: water pollution in Florida. The conclusion of this essay presents a response to this problem: a performance art piece designed to teach manatees about mortality.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Mauer, Barry Jason. "The Mystory: The Garage D'Or of Ereignis." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses. 2013, 26: 175-191

Document Type



College of Arts and Humanities


Orlando (Main) Campus


