
With COVID-19 affecting our personal and professional life, librarians have had to adapt to a variety of fast moving changes during a crisis. The University of Central Florida STEM Librarian team of two Research & Information Services subject librarians, responded to the challenges of remote work by establishing fruitful partnerships within the library, and collaboration within units across campus. Our proposed 15 minute presentation would cover the following three learning objectives: (1) to demonstrate how the UCF Librarians adapted to an ever changing landscape, (2) to share strategies for success on how to partner with teams across the library, and (3) to identify STEM librarian practices that allowed for an extension of reference service and outreach during a crisis.

Publication Date


Original Citation

Science Librarianship in the Time of COVID-19 Virtual Conference, August 5, 2020

Link to Conference Program: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16bBR9Pxl751Q-OjvIKRxD_7nuWizVNh4FlkEwYq4jm4/edit

Center for Open Science Link to Presentation Slides: https://osf.io/m6hnb/

Document Type

Conference Presentation

Publication Version

Author's version


Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.


Information Technologies & Resources


Orlando (Main) Campus


Research & Information Services
