

In the competitive environment of higher education, the basic communication course is under pressure to defend its place in the curriculum. One way to do this is to engage in a course redesign program. In this case study, we detail our experience taking part in such a program to (re)evaluate our course. Over the course of a year, we collected active participation data and conducted a series of three qualitative surveys that focused on student perceptions of our course. In doing so, we explored the ways in which the basic communication course can take advantage of course redesign efforts. Specifically, we found that we were better able to (1) articulate our unique course identity to constituents across the campus as we (2) developed a more holistic view of the ways we were (or were not) achieving our stated learning outcomes. Based on these findings, we developed practical implications including explicating how a well-planned course redesign program can be used in the basic communication course, the need for “collaborative consistency” when redesigning a course, and the imperative to incorporate student voice into redesign efforts.
