

The use of metacognitive strategies has been linked to increased motivation for reading as well as reading fluency and accuracy. In this study, I evaluated whether teaching three metacognitive strategies (planning, monitoring, and evaluating) would (a) improve intensive English program international students’ metacognitive knowledge, which in turn would (b) improve their comprehension. Eight college English learners (ELs) completed the Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategy Inventory (MARSI) (Mokhtari et al., 2018) and a reading test at the beginning of a reading-writing course and again at the end of the course. The results revealed an increase from pretest to posttest in all three domains of reading strategies: global strategies, problem-solving strategies, and support strategies with statistically significant differences in each reading scale. Comprehension test scores revealed mixed results. Whereas performance on true/false and word reference tests did not change significantly from pretest to posttest, performance on wh questions improved across time.



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