Reconfigurable reflectarrays are a class of antennas that combine the advantages of traditional parabolic antennas and phased array antennas. Chapter 1 discusses the basic operational theory of reflectarrays and their design. A review of previous research and the current status is also presented. Furthermore the inherent advantages and disadvantages of the reflectarray topography are presented. In chapter 2, a BST-integrated reflectarray operating at Ka band is presented. Due to the monolithic integration of the tuning element, this design is then extended to V band where a novel interdigital gap configuration is utilized. Finally to overcome loss and phase limitations of the single resonant design, a BST-integrated, dual-resonance unit cell operating at Ka band is designed. While the losses are still high, a 360° phase range is demonstrated. In chapter 3, the operational theory of dual-resonant array elements is introduced utilizing Q theory. An equivalent circuit is developed and used to demonstrate design tradeoffs. Using this theory the design procedure of a varactor tuned dual-resonant unit cell operating at X-band is presented. Detailed analysis of the design is performed by full-wave simulations and verified via measurements. In chapter 4, the array performance of the dual-resonance unit cell is analyzed. The effects of varying angles of incidence on the array element are studied using Floquet simulations. The beam scanning, cross-polarization and bandwidth performance of a 7 x 7 element reflectarray is analyzed using full-wave simulations and verified via measurements. In chapter 5 a loss analysis of the dual-resonant reflectarray element is performed. Major sources of loss are identified utilizing full-wave simulations before an equivalent circuit is utilized to optimize the loss performance while maintaining a full phase range and improved bandwidth performance. Finally the dual-resonance unit cell is modified to support two linear polarizations. Overall, the operational and design theory of dual resonant reflectarray unit cells using Q theory is developed. A valuable equivalent circuit is developed and used to aid in array element design as well as optimize the loss and bandwidth performance. The proposed theoretical models provide valuable physical insight through the use of Q theory to greatly aid in reflectarray design.
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Graduation Date
Gong, Xun
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Degree Program
Electrical Engineering
Release Date
August 2019
Length of Campus-only Access
Access Status
Doctoral Dissertation (Open Access)
STARS Citation
Trampler, Michael, "Reconfigurable Reflectarray Antennas with Bandwidth Enhancement for High Gain, Beam-Steering Applications" (2019). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 6587.