High Impact Practices Student Showcase Spring 2024

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Dr. Haley Winston

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About the Author

We are Nadav Shanun, Parker Tyson, Ryan Kaufman, Ellie Clarke, and Alayna Kinkade-Poore. We are a group of LEAD Scholars and this semester, we had the incredible opportunity to work alongside Volunteer UCF to gain a deeper understanding of how non-profit organizations and companies should operate. Our coursework focused on how effective leadership, dedicated volunteers, and committed employees can work together to achieve a common goal. Working with Volunteer UCF allowed us to witness firsthand a remarkable demonstration of authentic leadership, a strong sense of community, and the successful realization of promises and objectives.

We are incredibly thankful for the wonderful opportunity to work with Volunteer UCF and report on their achievements. We would like to acknowledge our professors and peers who influenced and supported our work every step along the way.

Abstract, Summary, or Creative Statement

Our group comes from a variety of backgrounds and majors from New Jersey to Florida and from Engineering to Finance. Volunteer UCF (VUCF) was perfect for us. Though we are all different, we were able to connect through serving our Orlando community.

VUCF’s mission is to allow students to gain valuable knowledge and experience, become connected to volunteer opportunities of their interest, and expand their community outreach, through their events and programs. Volunteer UCF provides service event consultations and recognizes student volunteers for their outstanding service. They work with over 200 community organizations and continue to expand their outreach.

One of the non-profits we worked with through VUCF was Clean the World, which is dedicated to redirecting hotel waste from landfills to countries and communities facing shortages. Through our efforts, we made a tangible difference for individuals in lower-income or developing nations lacking basic hygiene necessities. In addition, VUCF’s commitment extends to various community service initiatives such as pet adoption events, litter cleanups during hikes, and other volunteer opportunities, ensuring a deeper impact for those they serve throughout the Orlando area.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


education; service-learning; Volunteering; Volunteer UCF; LEAD; LEAD Scholars; community; Common Purpose; Citizenship; Amy Zeh

Leadership Within Volunteer UCF
