
ADHD has become a common place subject in both the scientific community and the common public. ADHD is talked about in the media, schools, and is a common conversation amongst parents. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has become prominent due to increased research but also due to increased accessibility of this research for the public. Contributing to this trend, there is an increase in open conversations about mental health awareness on social media. This phenomenon of people openly speaking about ADHD has led to more teens and young adults seeking diagnostic assessments and treatments for their symptoms. (Coppersmith et al., 2015) ADHD is diagnosed in 5-7% of children and adolescents. (Willcut, 2012). While the awareness and diagnosis of this disorder seem to be on the rise, gender imparities are still prevalent and represent a big problem when it comes to both diagnosis and treatment. Research has suggested that females tend to be diagnosed with this disorder late in adulthood, rather than during childhood; as opposed to males. (Young et al., 2020) Both males and females with ADHD tend to present the same negative outcomes in adulthood when they are not diagnosed as a child. An inequality in the diagnostic criteria fails to focus on the gender differences regarding symptomatology, comorbidity as well as societal factors that contribute to this disparity. This research will aim to analyze the literature on gender disparities of ADHD as well as to understand the professional perspective of childhood psychopathology clinicians about whether this disparity exists, the possible factors that could cause this disparity and the impacts this inequality may cause on the female ADHD population, both in childhood and adulthood.

Thesis Completion




Thesis Chair/Advisor

Neal, Raymonde


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


College of Sciences





Access Status

Open Access

Release Date

