
Spinal cord injury (SCI) often leads to irreversible damage, and permanent paralysis inferior to the injury is common (Leibinger et al., 2013). Injury to the spinal cord occurs in two phases. In the first phase, components of the spinal cord are subject to mechanical trauma causing direct damage. In the second phase, damage spreads from the area of injury through molecular processes. Several studies have linked M1 "pro-inflammatory" macrophages to exacerbation of damage by inducing dieback of dystrophic axons, but not healthy axons, through direct cellular contact. Several studies have identified the presence of macrophage subtypes at specific time. A literature review was conducted in order to summarize these findings (Busch, Horn, Silver, & Silver, 2009; Evans et al., 2014; Horn, Busch, Hawthorne, van Rooijen, & Silver, 2008; Kigerl et al., 2009; Shechter et al., 2013). Although the full mechanism behind the process of M1 macrophage-mediated dieback of dystrophic axons is unclear, matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) produced by these macrophages has been shown to play a role. However, the specific interaction between MMP-9 and neurons is under investigation. The research described explores the relationship between MMP-9 and fractalkine (CX3CL1), a surface protein expressed by CNS neurons. SDS-PAGE and western blot were used to determine whether the presence of MMP-9 increases the cleavage of fractalkine at several time intervals. At a concentration of 300ng/ml, MMP-9 was not found to demonstrate cleavage of fractalkine.

Thesis Completion




Thesis Chair/Advisor

Hawthorne, Alicia


Bachelor of Science (B.S.)


College of Medicine

Degree Program

Biomedical Sciences



Access Status

Open Access

Release Date

