
Pain, pain management, exercise induced hypoalgesia, dynamic resistance exercise


Exercise-induced hypoalgesia (EIH) denotes the phenomenon wherein physical activity induces a diminished sensitivity to pain, holding significant implications for pain management modalities. This investigation sought to evaluate the reproducibility of pressure pain thresholds (PPT) subsequent to dynamic resistance exercise and juxtapose PPT measurements during periods of quiet rest against those immediately post-exercise. A cohort of five healthy participants underwent three separate sessions, wherein PPT assessments were conducted pre- and post-exercise. Findings revealed a nuanced reliability in PPT measures during EIH evaluation, necessitating judicious interpretation due to the constrained sample size. Comparative analyses with antecedent research underscored discernible disparities in exercise intensities and methodological approaches, accentuating the imperative of considering idiosyncratic responses and procedural distinctions. Despite inherent limitations, notably the modest sample size, this inquiry furnishes valuable insights into the intricacies of EIH assessment, elucidating the complexities inherent in advancing knowledge within the domain of pain modulation research. Prospective investigations with larger and more heterogeneous cohorts are imperative to fortify the dependability and generalizability of findings in this realm.

Thesis Completion Year


Thesis Completion Semester


Thesis Chair

Dr. Abigail Anderson (Wilson)


College of Health Professions and Sciences


Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation Science

Thesis Discipline

Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation Science



Access Status

Campus Access

Length of Campus Access

5 years

Campus Location

Orlando (Main) Campus

Available for download on Saturday, May 03, 2025
