

This article provides information on the evaluation of communication education programs at the graduate level in the U.S. American society has become virtually obsessed with evaluation and analysis of its educational institutions and programs. Federal investigations have spotlighted a near crisis state in elementary and secondary education. Scholars and investigators within the communication discipline have devoted much effort to the appraisal of instructional programs, particularly at the graduate level. Specific graduate courses, such as argumentation theory have been examined. Specific programs of study, including mass communication have garnered attention. More generally, masters-level programs in speech communication have been evaluated. The Speech Communication Association graduate directory helps to illuminate several important features of study in the communication discipline. The directory contains individual listings from hundreds of masters and doctoral level communication programs throughout the nation. The production of summary data and some degree of speculation regarding the data found in the 1994 graduate directory would be beneficial in a number of ways. Such information would help facilitate decision-making on the part of both potential graduate students and the programs that must attempt to attract them by providing an overall view of graduate study in the communication discipline.
