Evaluating basic course students’ presentational speaking skills accurately and effectively has always been a challenging and vitally important instructional task. Considering the communication discipline’s need to clarify and to improve communication course assessment, this essay compares the effectiveness of four valid presentational speaking forms. In order to explain the need for this comparison, first, the essay emphasizes for basic public speaking course instructors the significance of increasing students’ understanding of communication competence both in theory and practice. Second, the essay supports a rationale for examining the effectiveness of presentational evaluation forms using a comparative analysis as the basis of this descriptive study. Third, an overview of relevant communication assessment literature is shared. Next, the four valid presentation evaluation forms, three of which are similar in their design and content to those forms that are used by instructors, are compared, and the conclusions derived from these comparisons are discussed. Finally, the study’s limitations are described, additional reasons that reemphasize the need to concentrate on the evaluation form are discussed, and some suggestions for future study of basic public speaking course assessment forms are offered.
Recommended Citation
Mino, M. (2012). Evaluating basic public speaking course student presentations: Some assessment considerations. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 31(2), 119-145.